Gavan, гостинично-оздоровительный комплекс
Hotel Harbor is one of the best hotels in the Far East. Located in 5 min.ezdy from the business center of the city. The hotel has 57 rooms, offering a maximum of amenities for staying in Vladivostok. Billiard-room Hunting lodge. Sauna-club Maltese Castle. Karaoke bar.
3 bld., Krygina St., Vladivostok
- +7 423 249-53-63 — Ресепшен, отель
- +7 423 249-53-76 — ресторан
- +7 423 249-74-72 — Для корпоративных клиентов
- +7 423 249-73-22 — Ресепшен, спорткомплекс
- +7 423 249-74-45 — Сауна
- +7 423 249-53-61 — Автокомплекс, автомойка